STOP GUESSING about what YOU Think You Need

hair analysisHair is an amazing Bio-Marker loaded with informative genetic mapping and is detected by an FDA approved state of the art scanning device. The technological focus is to scan your hair for specific markers gathered from your DNA DATA. The Mapping is programmed to detect Environmental Stressors and deficiency markers such as:

  • Vitamins & MineralsVitamins & Minerals
  • Amino & Fatty Acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Microbiological Resistance Indicators
    • Bacterial, Fungus, Mold spores
    • Parasites
    • Virus & Post Lingering Viruses
  • Modern Environmental Invasions
    • Electromagnetic Frequencies
    • Excess Radiation Exposure
    • Toxic Metals and Chemicals
    • Plastic Residue
  • Food Sensitivities
    • Additives
    • Chemicals



A better lifestyle? A much-needed change? Do you need to enhance your physical fitness or have you been frustrated without answers? Hair is an amazing, almost indestructible, bio-marker that carries a lot of personal information. A hair scan could hold the answers you’ve been searching for.

We scan your hair with our S Drive, super computer, which generates a comprehensive wellness report for each unique person. Your results will be returned within a few days of receiving your sample directly to your e-mail.

Your results will contain multiple pages of epigenetic mapping information pertaining to your unique self. Over hundreds of indicators including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, parasites, and much more are measured. With this report you are able to Pinpoint exactly what your body needs. It is that easy!

The epigenome is a multitude of chemical compounds that can tell the genome what to do. The human genome is the complete assembly of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)-about 3 billion base pairs - that makes each individual unique. DNA holds the instructions for building the proteins that carry out a variety of functions in a cell. The epigenome is made up of chemical compounds and proteins that can attach to DNA and direct such actions as turning genes on or off, controlling the production of proteins in particular cells.When epigenetic compounds attach to DNA and modify its function, they are said to have "marked" the genome. These marks do not change the sequence of the DNA. Rather, they change the way cells use the DNA's instructions. The marks are sometimes passed on from cell to cell as cells divide. They also can be passed down from one generation to the next.

Lifestyle and environmental factors (such as smoking, diet and infectious disease) can expose a person to pressures that prompt chemical responses. These responses, in turn, often lead to changes in the epigenome, some of which can be damaging. However, the ability of the epigenome to adjust to the pressures of life appears to be required for normal human health. Some human diseases are caused by malfunctions in the proteins that "read" and "write" epigenomic marks.


Your eye-opening hair scan will generate a multiple page report. The report will show concerns listed in rankings from the greatest concern (a priority) to lesser (advisory) concerns.

hair analysis reportENVIRONMENT

Common influences that can have an impact on and affect your everyday wellness include a vast majority of environmental influences.


Mold and spores are one of the few test indicators measured for. Parasites, bacteria, virus are additional indicators which can show results on your scan.


You would be amazed how much computer or cell phone usage shows on a hair scan report. Radiation from the sun or electronic devices are common indicators.


23 major groups of antioxidants including Vitamins and Minerals.


Including but not limited to: grains, fruits, oils, etc. 115 Food Restrictions & Food Additives.


23 major groups including selenium and anthologists.


Including but not limited to: fungus, virus, mold, bacteria, etc.


Indicators which may be produced by radiation, electromagnetic fields, etc.


Q. Is this report a treatment plan for my illness?

A. NO, the report is not intended for the treatment or cure of any condition or illness.

Q. What are epigenetic factors?

A. Epigenetics is the study of the everyday influences in your diet, environment and lifestyle that affect how your genes express. In some cases, up to 98% of gene expression (the way the body is physically, mentally and emotionally) is controlled by the environment in which you live.

Q. Does that mean that I can control my genes?

A. To a large degree yes, genes have the ability to express in a number of ways, sometimes thousands of ways for the same gene. By changing the environment, you can find the best gene expression to support your wellness.

Q. Are the nutrients listed deficiencies?

A. No, not necessarily as we are not physically measuring the amount of the nutrient to compare with deficiency tables. You could be within normal levels by conventional measure but still require more of a certain nutrient because of a lifestyle factor, like exercise for example.

Q. What are you measuring?

A. The system is not a measurement as it does not have a scale by which data can be compared. Through the process of resonance, we determine the relevancy of an item by the ability of the system to detect resonance within the digital sample and reflect this in the size of the chart segment.

Q. What is resonance?

A. When two systems have frequencies which are comparable they come into resonance. When the opera singer hits a note which resonates with the glass, it is able to absorb the energy from that note, until so much is stored, that the glass shatters.

Q. Is the largest segment the most important?

A. Only within the context of the chart that it is in. As a chart can only add up to 100% of the total picture for that category, you cannot compare a chart with 3 categories with one that has 17.

Q. What does an outlined segment mean?

A. Those segments with outlines are designated as ‘consider’ items, which still have moderate relevance but are not priority issues.

Q. Are the foods listed allergies?

A. No, we are not physically assessing immune response to the foods and they are not on the allergy spectrum. If there are foods to which you know or suspect you are allergic, then you should avoid these even if they are not on your restrictions list.

Q. Why should I restrict certain foods?

A. There are some foods to which we have limited genetic experience, we often have natural aversions to these. There are others which we eat too much of because we are creatures of habit and from time to time certain foods are just not compatible with our lifestyles. These foods are best restricted for a 90-day period.

Q. Are the toxins in my ‘Environmental Challenges’ chart poisoning me?

A. The system does not physically measure toxins in the body and so cannot be used to confirm their presence. The resonance can be epigenetic in nature meaning that the toxins could cause some poor gene expression if exposure does occur.

Q. My report says I have parasites; can you prove it?

A. The report does not confirm the presence of parasites (although we all carry them) but only the resonance indication that could be a predisposition to parasites and eating the right foods may help with this.

Q. Why is the plan for 90 days?

A. When you change your diet, environment and lifestyle, it takes time for the body to react physically. After 90-days your body has gone through a reasonable support cycle and can be effectively checked again.

Q. Why do I need a follow up report, surely they will be the same?

A. At a pure epigenetic level the body is homeodynamic, which means constantly adapting to the environment in a non-linear way. As we age, change jobs, eat differently, get married, have kids, read a different paper, start exercising, stop exercising and hundreds upon hundreds of different daily/weekly/monthly changes, so our bodies need supporting in different ways.

 Q. When will I notice the change?

A. That’s impossible to say as there are so many variables and each person and set of circumstances is unique. You should notice change within the first 30 days but it can take up to 90 days and even beyond in some cases.